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Margaret Cavendish is one of She-philosopher.​com’s featured “Players.” Learn more here.
  See also the IN BRIEF topic on the politics of naming Margaret Cavendish.
  To find the many miscellaneous comments on Margaret Cavendish scattered throughout She-philosopher.​com, use our customized search tool (search box at the top of the right-hand sidebar on this page), which is updated every time new content is added to the public areas of the website, thus ensuring the most comprehensive and reliable searches of She-philosopher.​com.

There is also lots of material on Margaret Cavendish at our companion website — the subdomain known as Roses. In particular, see the Editor’s Introduction to the digital reissue (2014) of Thomas Tryon’s The Planter’s Speech to his Neighbours & Country-Men of Pennsylvania, East & West-Jersey (1684).
  Use that website’s customized search tool to locate more on Cavendish’s natural philosophy, protofeminism, and publications.

For more on the duchess of Newcastle’s rhetorical criticism, see the Editor’s Introduction for Lib. Cat. No. THOB1637 — She-philosopher.​com’s digital reissue of Thomas Hobbes’ textbook of rhetorized psychology, A Briefe of the Art of Rhetorique (1st edn., 1637).

IN BRIEF topics on 2 other concepts related to kairos: occasio (or occasion) and the modern rhetorical situation.

To learn more about the engraver of the 17th-century head-piece pictured to the left, see the IN BRIEF biography for Wenceslaus Hollar.

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First Published:  December 2014
Revised (substantive):  30 June 2021

Opening quotation mark…finding opportunity to take Time by the fore-lock…Closing quotation mark

 MARGARET CAVENDISH (1623?–1673), duchess of Newcastle; natural philosopher, moral philosopher, poet, and author of 22 published works between 1653–1671

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^ 17th-century head-piece, showing six boys with farm tools, engraved by Wenceslaus Hollar (1607–1677).

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